More Gory Personal Details

Ooo boy, another wedding page...yawn. But wait! It's short, it's not too sweet, you can manage it. One or two people have asked Greg for a better wedding picture than the one on his Page o' Personal Heresies, so he reluctantly gave in. First of all, the full version of Greg, Veronica and Yosemite Falls:

[full wedding photo of Greg and Veronica by Dan Warsinger]
Copyright © 1993 Dan Warsinger

Oh, so lovely. And the bride is, too! (Oops, Greg will pay for that little remark, oh yes he will). Here's a close-up of the couple:

[close-up of Greg and Veronica by Dan Warsinger]
Copyright © 1993 Dan Warsinger

All of this took Greg by complete surprise in April of 1993, just after the first real winter California had seen in seven years. As a result, the waterfalls were extra-specially spiffy (not to mention cold and wet), and all in all, it was just mind-bogglingly beautiful. Ordinarily Greg would say something revoltingly sappy at this point, but...well, keyboards and projectile vomiting just don't mix. So sorry.

As noted on Greg's index page, Dan Warsinger was the wedding photographer, and he's highly recommended for anyone with wedding plans in the Yosemite region. (The actual photos came out much nicer than these scans, by the way.) Greg will add some contact info here as soon as he digs it out...

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Last modified 1 January 2005 by Greg Roelofs, you betcha.