Lyraluthuin Tristan Roelofs

Goin' Mobile?

Greg has given up on updating these pages more often than every few months; he has a few other pages to maintain, too. And, of course, the subject of these pages keeps him pretty busy all by herself... But all of the older pics are still available, starting with the link at the bottom of this page.

Stats Update

As of 27 February 1996, Lyra is up to 15.8 pounds (7.2 kg) and 25 inches (64 cm) in length. Her cheeks have even started to deflate just a bit, although she's apparently noticed this herself and is stuffing everything she can find into her mouth in a futile attempt to prevent this:

[Lyra with both hands going into mouth]

The Name

Greg has encountered some puzzlement about the origin of little Lyra's name. As always, he aims to please, so here's the straight dope: Greg and Veronica both read and were quite taken by a certain trilogy by Patricia McKillip (Riddlemaster of Hed, Heir of Sea and Fire, Harpist in the Wind). Lyraluthuin was the name of one of the lesser characters in the story, as was Tristan (Lyra's middle name). Dad and Mom thought then and still think now that both names are rather pretty, so that's how Lyra was named.

The choice of her first name has further significance to Greg, whose favorite constellation (home of the Ring Nebula) is Lyra, the Lyre. The constellation is actually pronounced with a long-i sound, unlike Lyraluthuin (``lyrics''), but what the's the thought that counts.

As a further side-note, one of Greg's relatives of the religious persuasion actually found a ``trading card'' that claims Lyraluthuin is of French origin and means ``an island.'' It's not immediately obvious whether it's a generic term for an island or the name of a specific one somewhere, but it's a lead:

[`Lyraluthuin' trading card]

I think I can...

Here's our little Pit Stain working really hard at standing or sitting or looking at her feet or one of those other grown-up things:

[Lyra trying to sit/stand up]

Now there's ambition for you -- clearly Dad's little Milk Dud is actually working on her pilot's license. Dad hasn't had the heart to tell her that most mere mortals have mechanical help:

[Lyra still trying to sit/stand up]

``...and boy, are my arms tired.''

Humor, ar ar!

But all is not work. After a long, hard day of eating, sleeping, eating, flapping, eating, puking, spam, eating and sleeping, Lyra likes to relax and enjoy a little comedy relief. Mom's face usually suffices:

[Lyra laughing at Mom]

Undoubtedly she's twisted for life, but a sick sense of humor never hurt least, that's what Dad always says.

Dang, done already? Drop by in a few more months for the latest installment of Mega-Cute Baby Pics!

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Last modified 31 December 2004 by Greg Roelofs, you betcha.